Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Murdering My Hair

My laptop says it's 11:36pm. It's late but I'm still here facing my laptop. (Don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing). Anyway, I just arrived in our home this afternoon because I was having my 'annual reunion/outing' with friends from school.

Before I start this post, I think I haven't shared with you guys my current hairstyle. It's actually long. I've been growing it for sometime now. I had an undercut haircut before but now my hair looks like this (minus the stubble and the fair skin).

After I achieved that wonderful looking hair, I suddenly noticed more people telling me that I look like a girl. For my part, I don't find this offensive. It actually makes me laugh whenever someone pops up things like that to me in person. It may be because I have a feminine face, and my actions are quite reserved sometimes. Even waiters at restaurants would casually mistake me for a girl whenever they look at me from the back. (In all honesty I consider this as an asset and not a liability). 

Next point. Here comes the deal. My father also noticed this sudden change, (at which point I created reasons just to explain why I decided to have long hair). The reasons were 'reasonable' for the past months but now, my father told me something that concerned me a while ago..

He told me that I should have a f*cking haircut. Shet naman. I love my hair. I've grown this for months and now he just wants it cut-off? :(

I would really like to keep it, because aside from the fact that it's new to my face (I always have an undercut haircut), it also gives my personality a sweet touch.

But now I suffer in crossroads. Should I cut my hair and follow my dad's orders? Or should I just let it go and never attempt to go at parlors/barbershops.

Oh my god when will I have a life of my own where I am not dictated by people surrounding me.. It's sad to be me. :(

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